Home Improvement Wiki
The Longest Day
Season 05, Episode 22
The Longest Day
Air Date March 19, 1996
Writer Elliot Shoenman
Marley Sims
Director Andy Cadiff
Previous Engine and a Haircut, Two Fights
Next Mr. Wilson's Opus

The Longest Day is the twenty-second episode of the fifth season. First aired on March 19, 1996 on the ABC network in the United States.


Jill takes the three boys for their regular check-ups (For which Brad tries to bypass the urine sample part, by urinating into a yogurt cup and bringing it along, but it doesn't work). However afterwards, Randy is sent to see a specialist because of some swelling on his neck (and some recent fatigue).

According to the specialist, it could one of three things: a simple goiter, which is harmless; a condition called hypothyroidism which is treatable with a daily pill; or serious thyroid cancer, which may require surgery or worse, much to Jill and Tim's horror. And it will take a day for the test results to come through to determine what's going on, leaving the two extremely anxious to know. Initially they opt not to tell Randy, until they're absolutely certain of what they're dealing with, but he eventually catches on, and he becomes even more worried than they are.

In the end, it turns out, Randy has hypothyroidism, so he'll have to take medication for the rest of his life, but everyone is so relived that it isn't something requiring surgery.

Montage of scenes, set to Louis Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful World"[]

